Monday, August 2, 2010


waiting for my apartment i've come up with some insane ideas on how to decorate it's walls. well, maybe not my ideas but i'm loving on them! first of all tiger is selling these fake mona lisa paintings that don't cost much so i'm gonna get one and paint over mona lisa so she'll look like a zombie. oh yes...i so am!
not maybe exactly like this but it was the only thing i found (here actually).
also i came across this on my friends facebook. LOVE this idea and since me and my boy are big fans of portal were gonna go ahead and buy these and paint them in both blue and orange. then hang them on different walls in the apartment.
click for full view
now if only we could get the apartment soon, preferably yesterday!


  1. Manstu bara að þú mátt alls alls ekki negla í neina veggi í stúdentaíbúðunum ;)

  2. já ég veit, þess vegna ætlar edda að hjálpa mér með að festa allt uppí listann efst :)

  3. OMG, elska portal dæmið! Plz do it! I love it forever!
    En biddu vo, ertu komin med ibud??! I didnt know! Yay congrats! Tid hafid aldeilis hoppad upp listann! Hvenær faidid hana?

  4. oh no! við erum enn að bíða á listanum! hahah :p erum nr 46 :p

  5. Ah...hehe of course, sowry xp Talk about jumping to conclusions, totally read that wrong, gosh!
    Well, kul pælingar anyway! Your apartment will be super awesome 8D

  6. hahah you adorable thing! i'd wish though! want it noooooow :p
